The Hickson 68 Compact Galaxy Group
NGC 5350, 5353, 5354, 5355, 5358 in Canes Venatici
known collectively as Hickson 68, surround the bright golden star at 8 o'clock. NGC 5350 is the face-on galaxy to the right of the star, with the twin ellipticals, NGC 5353 and 5354 above it. The face-on, Sbc barred spiral galaxy, NGC 5371 near the top-right corner of the field, along with Hickson 68, belongs to a larger association called the Big Lick Group.
known collectively as Hickson 68, surround the bright golden star at 8 o'clock. NGC 5350 is the face-on galaxy to the right of the star, with the twin ellipticals, NGC 5353 and 5354 above it. The face-on, Sbc barred spiral galaxy, NGC 5371 near the top-right corner of the field, along with Hickson 68, belongs to a larger association called the Big Lick Group.