The Mighty Jove
is the 5th planet from the Sun and the largest in our Solar System. The 'gas giant' was named for the chief deity of ancient Rome,
and has a mass more than 2.5x that of all our other planets combined! Jupiter orbits the Sun at a distance of 464,000,000 miles
with an orbital period of almost 12 years. It is the 3rd brightest object in the night sky after the Moon and Venus.
Jupiter was the first planet to form, and its inward migration during the development of the Solar System impacted the other 7 planets.
Jupiter is primarily composed of hydrogen, followed by helium.
Surrounding a relatively small core, is an outer atmosphere of storms, divided into latitudinal bands as seen here.
These turbulent storm systems roil incessantly. The most obvious result of this is the Great Red Spot, the giant storm at lower center.
The 'GRS' has been observed since 1831 and possibly earlier.
Unlike the 12 moons I was told about as a child, there are 95 currently known moons.
These include the 4 large 'Galilean' moons discovered by him in 1610: Io, Europa, Ganymede, and Callisto.
As of 2023, the planet has been visited by 9 robotic probes, including 7 flybys and 2 orbiters.
This RGB data was captured by Damien Peach in 2022 from Barbados, and is available from Telescope Live.
I post-processed the pre-stacked data in Registax, WinJUPOS, PixInsight, and Photoshop.
is the 5th planet from the Sun and the largest in our Solar System. The 'gas giant' was named for the chief deity of ancient Rome,
and has a mass more than 2.5x that of all our other planets combined! Jupiter orbits the Sun at a distance of 464,000,000 miles
with an orbital period of almost 12 years. It is the 3rd brightest object in the night sky after the Moon and Venus.
Jupiter was the first planet to form, and its inward migration during the development of the Solar System impacted the other 7 planets.
Jupiter is primarily composed of hydrogen, followed by helium.
Surrounding a relatively small core, is an outer atmosphere of storms, divided into latitudinal bands as seen here.
These turbulent storm systems roil incessantly. The most obvious result of this is the Great Red Spot, the giant storm at lower center.
The 'GRS' has been observed since 1831 and possibly earlier.
Unlike the 12 moons I was told about as a child, there are 95 currently known moons.
These include the 4 large 'Galilean' moons discovered by him in 1610: Io, Europa, Ganymede, and Callisto.
As of 2023, the planet has been visited by 9 robotic probes, including 7 flybys and 2 orbiters.
This RGB data was captured by Damien Peach in 2022 from Barbados, and is available from Telescope Live.
I post-processed the pre-stacked data in Registax, WinJUPOS, PixInsight, and Photoshop.