Messier 66 Galaxy
NGC 3627
is a member of the famed Leo Triplet of galaxies, along with 'The Hamburger,' NGC 3628.
Discovered by Charles Messier in 1780, it lies 31,000.000 light-years away and is about 95,000 light-years across.
M66 is an intermediate spiral galaxy with a SAB(s)b classification, indicating a spiral shape with a weak central bar and loosely wound arms.
This LRGB data was acquired in Spain by Telescope Live.
is a member of the famed Leo Triplet of galaxies, along with 'The Hamburger,' NGC 3628.
Discovered by Charles Messier in 1780, it lies 31,000.000 light-years away and is about 95,000 light-years across.
M66 is an intermediate spiral galaxy with a SAB(s)b classification, indicating a spiral shape with a weak central bar and loosely wound arms.
This LRGB data was acquired in Spain by Telescope Live.