The Witch Head Nebula
IC 2118 in Eridanus
is a large and diffuse reflection nebula illuminated by the bright light of Rigel, the foot-star of Orion the Hunter. The Witch Head lies just over the border in the constellation Eridanus the River at approximately 1,000 light years from Earth. Notice the redder nebulosity surrounding her eye, an indication that star birth is occurring within the nebula. For too long, her enormous structure eluded me. Thanks to a larger field of view by Telescope Live, she was captured! Looking at the old crone's profile, can you hear the evil cackle of this witchy woman?
is a large and diffuse reflection nebula illuminated by the bright light of Rigel, the foot-star of Orion the Hunter. The Witch Head lies just over the border in the constellation Eridanus the River at approximately 1,000 light years from Earth. Notice the redder nebulosity surrounding her eye, an indication that star birth is occurring within the nebula. For too long, her enormous structure eluded me. Thanks to a larger field of view by Telescope Live, she was captured! Looking at the old crone's profile, can you hear the evil cackle of this witchy woman?